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000133_owner-lightwave@webcom.com_Fri Jun 9 23:10:56 1995.msg
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Date: Fri, 9 Jun 1995 23:14:33 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mike McCool <mikemcoo@efn.org>
To: Lightwave <lightwave@webcom.com>
Subject: ProjectionMap
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I've used this trick before, of having a rendered object seem to appear
from behind the backdrop pic, by placing a disk object in the scene, and
projecting the same image as the backdrop onto the disk as a front
projection map, so it's pinmapped and matches perfectly--but this time
I'm having trouble making the disk object really blend in properly to the
backdrop pic.
That was a lollapalooza paragraph. Here's what I'm doing: I've got a
Voyageur backdrop pic of Jupiter, a closeup of the red cyclonic spot, out
of which I want my UFO to fly. I've model'd a disk, sized it to fit the
red spot perfectly, and front projected the Jupiter image onto it.
Problem: the disk is very apparent, there in the pic. It looks like
a bandaid, stuck over the red spot.
I realize that my success with this trick before has depended on the
presence of horizontal or vertical shapes or else significant enough
shadows and contrasts in my backdrop pic, into which I can fit and blend
my imported disk object, so its outline isn't so noticeable.
Mike McCool <mikemcoo@efn.org> sent this message.
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